In a world where resources are becoming ever scarcer and climate change is an increasingly significant challenge, it is vital that everyone does their bit to protect the environment and climate. The Ruhrtriennale is aware of this responsibility and has made sustainability a central aspect of its work.
Culture and sustainability are two sides of the same coin: without sustainable thinking and action, culture is inconceivable in the long term, and without culture we would lack the inspiration and creativity to develop and implement sustainable solutions. In this spirit, we see sustainability as a communal task. Good cooperation among everyone involved - artists, visitors, partners and patrons - is essential if we are to achieve our goals.
We invite you to read about our various sustainability projects and initiatives on this page and become part of our joint endeavours. Because one thing is clear: sustainability needs culture, and culture needs sustainability.
When implementing the sustainability projects, the following aspects form the basis of our actions:
Sustainability is a communal task.
We make the best progress together. Good cooperation is key to achieving goals.
Sustainability is a work in progress.
Sometimes there are no simple and quick solutions. We are continuously working to improve our status quo.
Sustainability is recognisable in different ways.
While some measures can be seen at first glance, others are less visible in the background.
Our 6 points for more (ecological) sustainability
POINT 1: Artistic strategy
Artistic and ecological sustainability
We develop our productions in close cooperation with national and international partner organisations in order to ensure the use of our programme beyond the festival period. After the premieres in the Ruhr area, festival productions are presented again as part of international festivals or included in the repertoire of our partner theatres. This strategy promotes environmental, financial and artistic sustainability and makes it possible for festival artists to reach audiences worldwide.
Connecting international excellence with local impact
Our productions engage in dialogue with the communities of the region. They act as a space for dialogue between international and local talent. We develop tailor-made projects that involve local communities both in the auditorium and on the stage.
POINT 2: We measure
Our footprint
A carbon footprint is a helpful tool for understanding which areas of the festival generate emissions. Effective and targeted measures can be derived from this. In addition, the data collection makes it possible to continuously monitor and control the measures we have planned for the implementation of our sustainability strategy.
We draw up our carbon footprint in accordance with the nationwide standard for cultural institutions adopted in 2023, which is based on the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. The results of the last evaluation show that the festival’s emissions are mainly in the areas of energy and mobility. We therefore implement key measures in these areas.
POINT 3: We implement
Our measures
From very small to very big: our measures vary in terms of complexity, implementation time and impact. A diverse mix of measures that works in the various fields of activity is particularly effective.
- Green Rider
- Structural integration in the company
- Offer of a combined ticket
- Sustainable cleaning practices
- Gradual conversion of the vehicle fleet to e-vehicles
- 100 % green electricity in the office building
- Integration of sustainability in tenders and contract awards
- Tap water (system) in the office building
- Independent access to information
POINT 4: We network
Our cooperations and partnerships
We see sustainability as a communal task. We therefore form alliances with partners and are active in networks. We learn from each other and have the chance to influence topics and processes that are not directly in our area of responsibility.
POINT 5: We take a stand
Our strategy and mission statement
The systemic and strategic anchoring of sustainability in our organisation and in the festival is important to us. We have therefore developed a sustainability strategy and anchored the topic in our mission statement.
Mission statement: in a two-year process, we as a team have taken a constructive look at our values, our attitudes, our identity and our environment. In so doing, we have identified sustainability as a core value and explicitly anchored it in our mission statement.
Strategy: to strategically anchor sustainability in the company, we have not only created the position of a sustainability manager, but also developed a sustainability strategy for the area of environmental sustainability. This is mainly based on the information from the carbon footprint and shows which fields of action are relevant for us and which targets we wish to achieve.
POINT 6: We work for and with you
Your contribution to a more sustainable festival
Sustainability is a communal task. Everyone can contribute to making the festival that little bit better, greener and more sustainable:
- Can you get to the event on foot, by bike, public transport or car sharing? The Kombi-Ticket provides incentives. We are aware that not all venues are easily reached by public transport.
- Put rubbish and cigarette butts in the bins provided.
- We welcome your feedback, suggestions and ideas on the subject of sustainability. We invite you to take part in our visitor survey after attending the event. In this way, you give us valuable input and suggestions.