Code of Conduct
Ruhrtriennale, the Festival of the Arts, stands for diversity and inclusion in a liberal and democratic society. It looks forward to welcoming all local, national and international visitors. Ruhrtriennale calls on all participants of the festival - artists, staff members, volunteers and audience - to engage in a dialogue based on mutual respect, regardless of ethnic origin, gender, religion or ideology, political beliefs, social background, disability, age, marital status, sexual identity or orientation. Ruhrtriennale consistently distances itself from antisemitic, racist and other discriminatory positions. On this basis, Ruhrtriennale is committed to a culture of open exchange, tolerance and inclusion, seeing it as its task to open up spaces for constructive dialogue.
Harassment-free Environment
Ruhrtriennale is committed to providing a harassment-free festival experience. Individual boundaries must be respected at all times in all festival spaces. In the event of physically or verbally abusive or discriminatory behaviour, both in person or on social media, we reserve the right to impose sanctions up to and including exclusion from our events or criminal charges (e.g. for violation of the AGG - General Act on Equal Treatment). We are committed to investigating every case of discrimination reported to us and taking consistent action.
If you have a concern, experience or witness harassment, please contact the Ruhrtriennale team on site or via email at awareness@ruhrtriennale.de
We will respond as promptly as possible and handle your request with care.
Ruhrtriennale has established an Awareness structure in which persons of trust are appointed who are qualified in anti-discrimination work and to whom those affected can turn. The Awareness Team is there to contribute to safer atmosphere, by listening, understanding and advising people – in the first instance, always anonymously. You will find an Awareness-team present at all party formats at our festival centre Wunderland.